BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//WordPress - MECv5.17.1//EN X-ORIGINAL-URL: BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210504T220000Z DTEND:20210505T000000Z DTSTAMP:20210423T152500Z CREATED:20210423 LAST-MODIFIED:20210423 SUMMARY:Pistol Fundamentals Clinic DESCRIPTION:This clinic will include discussions of several topics of interest for shooters who have little or no experience carrying a firearm day to day. Range exercises will include safe loading and unloading methods, master grip, sight alignment/sight picture, trigger control and natural point of aim. All of this is done in a relaxed environment with other individuals looking to improve their shooting abilities.\nTo Register\nEmail to register.\nItems required\n\nYour pistol permit\nYour own handgun- We do not rent firearms\nA minimum of 2 magazines\n100 rounds total\n\n URL: ORGANIZER;CN=ACADEMI Northeast Training CATEGORIES:Training Courses END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR